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About Engage!2021 Hybrid Conference 

  The world is shifting at a tremendous speed, highlighting a myriad of important issues and challenges urgently needing attention, from global issues, including climate change, technology development, political situations, to regional issues, such as industrial transformation, population migration, and aging communities. The residual effect of the COVID-19 pandemic in life quality, education, and economy around the globe also call for new discussions for the future. Though higher education institutes mostly work and research independently, it is undeniable that the institute is still physically located within a region. Similarly, pedagogy and research does not stand alone from the social and cultural context in which the institute is physically situated. Higher education institutes, with the responsibilities of talent cultivation and city development, thus need to reimagine how to incorporate academic knowledge and research into enhancing societal equity and sustainability.

  When faced with the drastic change of environment and industrial needs, how should individuals, organizations, and communities react and imagine the future? How can the research potentials of higher education institutes transform into the momentum of the reimagination, innovation and creation of local traditional knowledge and goods? One of the main focuses of this conference is therefore to inspire more discussion on reimagining education for cultivating students' imagination and future prospect and transforming them into practice.

  Through the Engage!2021 conference, we hope to spark more discussion between regional revitalization, looking at the environment around us, and creativity, looking into the future before us. While listening to the stories and histories from our proximal surroundings, we learn from local wisdom and imagine new directions and pathways for the future of education, talent cultivation, and the community.

Ying-Yao Cheng,

President, National Sun Yat-sen University

President, GACC


  面對時空樣貌的劇變與工作型態的轉換,個人、組織、社會又該如何因應,並對未來抱持想像? 大學研究能量又該如何轉化成為推動在地想像、創新、創造,並藉由人才培育的觀點,培養學生創意思考與想像未來的能力,成為實踐的推動力,並有利於適應未來生活,即是本次研討會的關注焦點。





Important Dates

Call for paper
Final deadline for abstract submission
Notification of acceptance
Presenter Registration Deadline
Participant Registration Deadline
Main Conference
About Engage!2021

About GACC

About GACC

  The creativity research and education in Taiwan has bloomed fruitfully under the efforts of various disciplines, especially in the academia and in business. In the The Global Competitiveness Report 2015–2016 by the World Forum, Taiwan ranks 15 in competitiveness in 140 countries around the globe, whereas Japan and Hong Kong ranked 6 and 7 respectively and China ranked 28. As for the index of Innovation, Taiwan ranks 11, which is only somewhat lower than Japan (5/140) and Singapore (9/140) in Asia. The report not only shows that Taiwan's creativity is recognized globally, but also highlight innovation as one of Taiwan's characteristics. Therefore, to extend Taiwan's innovative potential, to fuse the strength of various disciplines both domestically and internationally, and to diffuse the creativity research performances and put them into practice, the Global Association of Chinese Creativity (GACC) was established.

​  GACC aims to become the driving force for research, education, and application on Chinese creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The missions of GACC include encouraging research on Chinese creativity and innovation, regularly hosting domestic and international meetings or workshops to share and discuss research on creativity, using new media to promote education and research on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and designing curricula and lesson plans on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. GACC also hopes to encourage various disciplines to engage in research on creativity education and application and to publish publications on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

  臺灣的創造力教育與研究長年來在各方的努力下,在企業界、教育界等已有相當豐碩的成果。在2015年世界經濟論壇(the World Forum)發表的競爭力報告書(The Global Competitiveness Report 2015–2016)當中,臺灣在全球140個國家中整體競爭力表現排名第15名,亞洲地區的日本、香港分佔第6、7名,韓國為第26,中國排名第28,臺灣在創新(innovation)指標部分則排名第11名,僅次於日本(5/140)與新加坡(9/140),此項國際評比的結果除了肯定臺灣的創造能量外,亦突顯創新早已成為臺灣鮮明的國家特色之一。因此,為了延續這樣的能量,結合海內外專業領域人士的力量,進一步將臺灣成功的經驗擴散至整個華人地區,成立『全球華人創造力學會(Global Association of Chinese Creativity, GACC)』,共同為臺灣、為華人創造力開創新局,是我們不遑多讓的使命。

​  全球華人創造力學會(GACC)是一個以「推動全球華人創造力、創新與創業之研究、教育與應用」為宗旨的學術團體,其任務為鼓勵學術界研究全球華人創造力與創新之相關議題、定期舉行國內、國際會議或工作坊,分享與研討最新創造力研究成果、運用新媒體推動創造力、創新與創業等教育與研究、設計創造力、創新、創業等課程與教學、推廣研究成果與其實際應用,拓展創造力研究之成效、擔任政府創造力政策研議與實踐之智庫、鼓勵企業等各界投入創造力、創新與創業等研究、教育與應用、出版華人創造力、創新與創業相關等圖文或影音出版品等。

More About GACC

About NSYSU Social Engagement Center


  The National Sun Yat-Sen University is one of the top research-oriented universities in Southern Taiwan, with colleges of Liberal Arts, Science, Engineering, Management, Marine Sciences, Social Sciences, and the interdisciplinary Si-Wan College. The university creates a friendly environment to train students of all fields, promote the growth of the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area as well as aid the revitalization of remote towns. Echoing the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, the university thrives to fulfill its social responsibility through social practice, education, research, and administration.

​  The university established the “Social Engagement Center” – a Tier 1 interdisciplinary department – in 2018. The center carries out the university’s integration plan through school administration, resource concatenation, and marketing and promotion. It has become the backbone for promoting and executing various social practice projects in the university. In addition, professional teams from a range of disciplines have come together to organize large conferences and exhibitions, and center members have personally visited remote district offices and communities to help in designing revitalization strategies. The Social Engagement Center will continue to promote the fulfillment of the university’s social responsibilities both through administration and practice and encourage the cross-disciplinary collaboration of teachers in promoting social practice. Moreover, the center will continue to work with external government agencies, NGOs, and corporations to revitalize Kaohsiung and Pingtung in this critical time. We hope that universities can gradually shift focus from “academic influence” to “social influence.”



​  中山大學於2018年起成立校內跨院一級單位「社會實踐與發展研究中心」,從校務行政、資源串聯、行銷推廣三個層面進行校級的整合規劃,成為各項社會實踐型計畫課程推動執行最重要的支持後盾,同步串聯校內跨計畫與學系的專業團隊,進行大型論壇、展覽的策畫執行,中心成員也親赴第一線,和偏鄉公所及社區共同規劃地方創生。未來中山大學社會實踐與發展研究中心將持續以更多行政支持與實際行動投入大學社會責任的發展,鼓勵校內教師跨域合作投入社會實踐;連結校外政府單位、NGO組織與企業團體多元資源,共同在這個關鍵時刻為高屏地區的創生而努力,願大學從過往專注於「學術影響力」的追求,轉化對民眾產生實際成效的「社會影響力」。

More About NSYSU SEC


About USR City as a Commuseum Project

USR City as a Commuseum

  This project analyzes the “Kaohsiung Philosophy” and the local cultures and history of the earliest developed districts in Kaohsiung – Cijin, Gushan, and Yancheng – to expand three major dimensions, specifically landscape sustainability, landscape celebration, and vision brand. These dimensions were then developed into three main issues of life society, ecosystem, and production economy. In terms of implementation, the course is categorized into nine engagement projects, including introductory courses “Museum Marketing Implementation,” “School-Based Curriculum Preparation and Implementation,” and “Permanent Exhibition to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Renaming of Kaohsiung;” vision courses “Maritime East Asia; Brand Harbor” and “International Connection; Local Revitalization;” landscape courses “Wetland Ecology Museum” and “Pursuing Sustainability and Promoting Urban and Community Transformation and Development;” and soundscape courses “Local Inheritance and Cross-Border Innovation” and “Yancheng Life Laboratory and Yancheng Summer Festival.” In terms of area integration, we adopted a direct creation model in the Cijin District that focuses on different field characteristics and the cooperation of local teams. Using Cijin Social Development Base as the hub, we linked the War and Peace Memorial Hall, Fund for Children and Families, and Yangming Marine Transport Museum to promote relevant courses and projects. We adopted a cooperation model in South Gushan, linking several local organizations, such as KWs, Takao Railway Museum, and Takao Kaisha to promote local revitalization through industry-university cooperation. We collaborated with the Kaohsiung Museum of History and Crowned Museum of Art to organize a local culture and history show. The overall plan will facilitate school teachers and students in learning about local characteristics and consequently promote communities to give back and foster their strengths, thereby fulfilling the social responsibility of university and community co-prosperity.

  以高雄最早發展的旗津、鼓山、鹽埕作為核心場域,以「高雄學」地方文史為核心,分為地景永續、聲景節慶、願景品牌三大面向進行延伸, 發展成為生活社會、生態環境、生產經濟三個議題層面。在實作的部分,校園課程發展為九個實踐專案,包含基礎課程「博物館行銷實作」、 「校本課程共備實踐」 、 「高雄改名100年常設展」,願景課程 「海洋東亞、品牌港灣」 、 「國際鏈結、在地創生」 ,地景課程「濕地生態博物館」 、 「追求永續、推動城市與社區的轉型發展」,聲景課程「在地傳承及跨界創新」 、 「鹽埕生活實驗室與鹽夏不夜埕節慶活動」。場域連結的部分,則依據不同的場域特性和地方團隊協力合作,旗津區以直創式的形式,旗津社會開創基地為核心,串聯戰爭與和平館、家扶中心、陽明海運探索館進行相關課程與計畫推動;南鼓山透過合作式的形式,連結棧庫群、鐵道故事館、打狗文史再興會社等地方組織,以產學合作形式推動地方創生。鹽埕區則高雄市歷史博物館、克朗德美術館共同協作,規劃地方文史展演活動。整體計畫將帶領學校師生從認識在地開始,延伸至社區回饋與培力,實踐大學與社區共榮的社會責任價值。

More About City as a Commuseum

Engage! 2021

presented by  Global Association of Chinese Creativity; NSYSU Social Engagement Center; USR City as a Commuseum Project 
@ National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung ,Taiwan


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